Welcome to the site of The Knights Templar School, Baldock AS Media Studies for OCR.
Centre number 17401

Friday 23 September 2011

Mrs Sim's class work for Tuesday 27th Sept.

As discussed in our last lesson, I will not be in on Tuesday.

We have got K15 booked for you to use and you need to work on either your film opening analysis or:

Research a film production company. Produce a company fact file and find out what type of films they make, as well as some of their 'values' and movies.

Both this task AND the opening film analysis must be on your blog by the end of next week (7th October)

Thursday 22 September 2011

Presenting an analysis of a film opening

Having watched the opening to Edward Scissorhands, with its analysis on, you are to choose from one of the other films available in the NASBOX (Folder titled AS Movie Openings).

Using one method of analysis discussed (but NOT straight forward essay), you are to analyse the opening of the film in detail. Commenting on use of colour, images, sounds, text, style, conventions of film opening, credits, camera angles/shots types, how the film narrative and genre are established in the first 5 minutes.

Methods you could use:
- Notes/captions added to the film using movie maker (or other editing package)
- Spoken analysis of the opening using the actual opening to illustrate your points.
- Screen shots/prints with detailed comments for each one
- PPT/prezi presentation

Edward Scissorhands example from class:

This is due to be assessed by Mrs Sim on the 7th October, so make sure the work is uploaded to your blog for then.

Introduction to film openings

Today we looked at 4 film openings - Pulp Fiction, Final destination 3, Pretty Woman and The Dark Knight.

Using the notes you have made, complete the grid commenting on the following areas:

1) Film
2) Genre
3) Conventions/features of the opening
4) Info in credits
5) Narrative/storyline

Analyse a film openign of your choice using these headings too.

Please upload these notes for the 22nd Sept.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Preliminary Task

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.

This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

1.What are the conventions of the horror/thriller genre?
2.What is ‘suspense’?
3.write a definition (with textual example) for each of the 3 shot types - match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule